Custom Linear Actuators

Warner Linear offers a broad range of standard actuators to suit many needs. We realize though, that often special application parameters dictate special actuator configurations and modifications. Warner Linear actuators are designed with this in mind, as many of our products can be readily customized to suit specific requirements.

Our products are built on modules that can be mixed and matched in final assembly. Our final assembly operations are configured to provide flexible assembly to accommodate custom orders, quickly and cost effectively.

If your application has a special need that our standard catalog products are unable to fit, please contact your Warner Linear representative or consult with our technical specialists
so we can configure a product to fit your need.

A few of our standard special offerings:

Special pin to pin lengths and stroke lengths
Special end fittings and mounting configurations
Special paints and motor lead wire lengths and connectors

Need a Custom Solution? Call Today!

Rod End Mounting Option Examples
(available for B-Track models only, consult factory for more options)

1. 1/2″ Threaded rod end
2. 5/8″ Threaded rod end
3. 1/2″ Spherical rod end
4. 5/8″ Spherical rod end
5. 1″ Extended rod end
6. Flat sided rod end
7. 1/2″ Threaded gear box end
8. 3/8″ Rod end insert

Consult with factory for specific mounting configuration needs

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